Post by mortlach on Dec 3, 2016 15:24:34 GMT
( For more information on how to solve these pages from first principles try starting at part 1 of this guide) Here is a spread sheet with all the cipher and message runes, plus their positions in the gematria, and their differences from the solved pages. In general the "order" (i.e. direction and rotation) of the Gematria used to decode/ decrypt these pages can also be represented as a shift from the "normal" Gematria for each rune. In the above spreadsheet we are trying to show these "normal" shifts for the solved pages, we calculate the shifts as differences between the Message and the Cipher texts and they are displayed in the column to the right of the text Amongst other things, these shifts have connections with the entries in the " rune division table" They appear as columns / rows in the modular "division" table, (the /14 and /15 rows). "Famously", it has been claimed (BUT NEVER VERIFIED) that there is a pattern in these shifts (as you go from page-to-page ) that leads to decrypting unsolved pages. Make of this what you will. *Comments, questions, suggestions, omissions etc ? please try #cicadasolversMSGA